Friday, October 19, 2007

Welcome To The Church of Nuclear Jesus

So, Satan and his demon spawn want the world to embrace a Nuclear Renaissance, want the world to embrace the building of over 220 new reactors by the year 2050...ask yourselves, what would Jesus Do? The people of earth were given free will, and with that gift came great responsibility. You have been charged with being good stewards of Mother Earth, and all of God's creatures.

The hounds of hell are out to rule the world, want to visit death and destruction upon the earth, and my people, my sheep have seen with their own eyes the horrid truth that is nuclear. Hiroshima, and the dropping of THE BOMB showed the world the awesomely destructive power of the atom, but mankind refused to walk away. Those with evil intents and vile hearts preached the virtues of the "Friendly Atom" and promised the world energy so cheap it would not even have to be metered.

Speak to Nuclear Jesus about safe, vital and secure Green Energy in the form of nuclear, and I will preach to you about Chernobyl and the suffering of my children huddled under the altar of Corporate Greed and National Interests.

Join the Nuclear Energy Indigo kids (NEI Kids) as we look at the evils of Nuclear Energy, and ask ourselves, "What Would Nuclear Jesus Do?"

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