Sunday, October 21, 2007

NRC and Entergy Trying To Play Grinch

Just in from the Green Nuclear Butterfly...seems the NRC has jumped the gun a bit, and gone ahead with forming a three judge panel ahead of the November 30th deadline for filing contentions in opposition to the license renewal of Entergy's Indian Point.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Sunday, October 21, 2007

NRC Names Three Judge Panel For Indian Point Application
Seems that the NRC is trying to get a jump on the judicial process related to Entergy's fatally flawed application for license renewal of the Indian Point reactors. In short, those of us seeking to intervene in the process should be prepared for some dirty tricks including a massive number of Entergy Christmas season attempts to get our contentions tossed out. We need a picture of the Grinch holding and Entergy sign.

Atomic Safety and Licensing Board established for Indian Point license renewal

Washington -- A three-judge board has been established to review requests for a hearing on the license renewal application for the Indian Point nuclear power plant in Buchanan. Should a hearing regarding the application take place, the board would also conduct that proceeding.

The board is drawn from the Atomic Safety & Licensing Board Panel, which is a judicial component of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission tasked with conducting all licensing and other hearings as directed by the presidentially appointed commission that oversees the NRC.

The ASLBP operates independently of the NRC technical staff. The judges named by ASLBP Chief Administrative Judge E. Roy Hawkens to preside over the Indian Point proceeding are Lawrence McDade, who will serve as chairman; Dr. Richard Wardwell; and Dr. Kaye Lathrop.

Most boards are composed of one judge who is qualified in conducting administrative proceedings, who is a lawyer, and two judges who have technical qualifications appropriate to the issues in the proceedings, who are scientists or engineers.

Under NRC regulations, the original operating license for a nuclear power plant has a term of 40 years. The license may be renewed for up to an additional 20 years if NRC requirements are met. The current operating licenses for Indian Point Units 2 and 3 expire, respectively, on Sept. 28, 2013, and Dec. 12, 2015.

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